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24春 实验室组会及报告

May 24, 2024 3:00 pm UTC+8








3月8号 19:30在A707

  1. 戴悦 —— Great advances in text-to-video models: Sora and its technical background
  2. 王超 —— Domain Specific Language :Taichi Language
  3. 张毅 —— 3.5-D Blocking Optimization for Stencil Computations on Modern CPUs and GPUs

腾讯会议:905-713-734 点击链接入会:

3月15号 19:30在A707

  1. 宋龙盛 —— CGRA:High Efficiency Reconfigurable Accelerator
  2. 朱先语 —— 神威超算深度学习算子性能建模
  3. 李益达 —— 3D reconstruction with Nerf

腾讯会议:497-200-521 点击链接入会:

3月22号 19:30在A707

  1. 王朝晖 —— Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
  2. 涂布新 —— NeuMMU: Architectural Support for Efcient Address Translations in Neural Processing Units
  3. 王天同 —— A survey for 3D medical image segmentation

腾讯会议:167-613-702 点击链接入会:

3月29号 19:30在A707

  1. 郝晓宇 —— A Framework for Extracting Non-conventional Instructions and Accelerators
  2. 方禧 —— Search-Based Approaches to Tensor Program Optimization

4月19号 19:30在A707

  1. 林坤贤 —— Increasing the efficiency of stencil computation in OGCM on Sunway Supercomputer
  2. 吴若晗 —— Scheduling Deep Learning Computation and Memory Access via Graph-level Analysis for new Sunway Supercomputer

4月26号 19:30在A707

  1. 朱子琦 —— Transformer Out:Mamba is all you need?
  2. 田永劭 —— 大模型的量化优化
  3. 刘波 —— Reducing Activation Recomputation in Large Transformer Models

5月10号 19:30在A707

  1. 乔良 —— KVCache Optimation for LLM
  2. 汪涵楠 —— 交互式分割:Backbone与后续模块解耦

5月17号 19:30在A707

  1. 郑重 —— Tiled algorithms for sparse matrix multiplication on GPUs
  2. 叶言威 —— Future Work of swYAKL
  3. 张森 —— A Preliminary Study for Evaluating DSA Exploration using 3 Extensions

5月24号 19:30在A707

  1. 赵敏帆 —— How to build a Multimodal LLM from existing LLMs and Image encoders?
  2. 赵阳 —— Dataflow Runtime System on GPU
